Aamir Khan’s directorial debut Taare Zammen Par has been selected as India’s official entry for the Oscars. The movie will compete in the Best Foreign Language Film category. It stars Aamir Khan, Darsheel Safary, Tisca Chopra, Vipin Sharma and Sachet Engineer. Khan is currently shooting in Ladak for Raju Hirani’s 3 Idiots and is expected back in Mumbai tomorrow.
Aamir stated on hearing this news said that he is really happy that TZP been selected to represent India at an international forum like the Oscars. He added ,” It is a film that is extremely close to my heart. It’s a film that first sensitized me as a parent and as person and then went on to have same effect on all the audience in India and across the globe. I hope that it has an equally strong impact on the members of the Academy as well.”A total of nine Indian movies were contesting this year for the Oscar nomination, of which Bollywood had the highest share with movies like Taare Zameen Par, Ashutosh Gowarikar’s Jodhaa Akbar, Neeraj Pandey’s A Wednesday, Nishikant Kamat’s Mumbai Meri Jaan, Abhishek Kapoor’s Rock On and Subhash Ghai’s Black & White. The two Marathi movies that were in the running were Tingya and Valu along with one Telegu movie Gamayam. The committee unanimously chose Taare Zameen Par for its universal appeal.
The 81st Annual Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2008 will be presented at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, CA on 22 February, 2009. The Tamil dubbed version for which Surya has dubbed for Aamir will hit the screens shortly.
Aamir stated on hearing this news said that he is really happy that TZP been selected to represent India at an international forum like the Oscars. He added ,” It is a film that is extremely close to my heart. It’s a film that first sensitized me as a parent and as person and then went on to have same effect on all the audience in India and across the globe. I hope that it has an equally strong impact on the members of the Academy as well.”A total of nine Indian movies were contesting this year for the Oscar nomination, of which Bollywood had the highest share with movies like Taare Zameen Par, Ashutosh Gowarikar’s Jodhaa Akbar, Neeraj Pandey’s A Wednesday, Nishikant Kamat’s Mumbai Meri Jaan, Abhishek Kapoor’s Rock On and Subhash Ghai’s Black & White. The two Marathi movies that were in the running were Tingya and Valu along with one Telegu movie Gamayam. The committee unanimously chose Taare Zameen Par for its universal appeal.
The 81st Annual Academy Awards for outstanding film achievements of 2008 will be presented at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood, CA on 22 February, 2009. The Tamil dubbed version for which Surya has dubbed for Aamir will hit the screens shortly.
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