Priyanka Chopra and Rani Mukherjee, the two Bollywood excellencies refused to perform on the choreography: The ladies quietly witnessed the choreographed acts and immediately got home and put their own choreographers on the job. They changed their entire choreography by added lots of latkas and jhatkas to make it more interesting. The poor earlier priyanka chopra, rani mukherjeechoreographer was bowled over by seeing the new transformed performances which were outstanding. He definitely was left wondering what went wrong.
On Dec 31, 10 pm, witness Rani Mukherjee and Priyanka Chopra’s outstanding performance at Big STAR Entertainment awards. ‘BIG STAR Entertainment Awards’ will be the year end extravaganza that will seek to identify and honour outstanding talent for their contribution to the four facets of entertainment viz. Movies, Music, Theatre and Sports. With an array of performances by the best and biggest names of the entertainment industry, it will felicitate luminaries from varied fields.
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