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Barrie Osborne’s masterpiece on Prophet Muhammad

A magnum opus is being filmed on Muhammad Ibn Abdullah, the founder of the religion of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as a messenger and prophet of God. The film is produced with a whooping budget of 150 millions by Hollywood producer Barrie M. Osborne, according to the announcement made in Qatar.
So, the Oscar-winning American producer is set to go on with his big-screen biopic of the Prophet Muhammad. According to sources, Osborne wants to show the real meaning of Islam and bridge the gap between cultures. We learn that the film will reportedly feature English-speaking Muslim actors.
This untitled film is due to come before the camera by 2011. Osborne will be producing this film for a newly formed Qatar-based company Alnoor Holdings. “Qatar-based Sunni cleric Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, head of the Association of Muslim Scholars, will lead the research and serve as technical consultant on the project,” said the sources.
"I am inspired by this opportunity to bring such epic entertainment to the world and excited by the chance to inspire and enlighten by bringing the story of one of history’s greatest figures to audiences around the world,” said the Hollywood producer.
A very tricky thing in producing a biopic on the prophet is that, many Muslims believe that the Islamic law forbids the visual depiction of ‘Muhammad’ or ‘God the Almighty’ in any medium. So, making a film without showing the prophet is a big challenge.
There are many films on Jesus Christ and other Gods but no one has ever tried to touch Islam. Let’s see what comes out now...


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